
Products Support Doc

Newsletter October, 2021


XStudio.web 6beta2 is out!


A few words from our CEO

"Our last poll showed that what you wanted the most was a perfect alignment of XStudio.web with XStudio.
We listened to you, and we updated our roadmap to take that direction. But no worries, we're still on track to deliver the version 6 before the end of the year :)
Of course, you can already update to XStudio 6beta2 right now!

- Eric Gavaldo 


One of the last features that our web client was not supporting yet was Administration tasks.

XStudio is highly customizable (we have more than 300 parameters that can be changed to meet your needs) and only XStudio had the capability to manage those Server Settings.

That's an old story! Now you can edit your server settings directly from XStudio.web. You can even restart the server (or schedule a restart overnight) right from your browser. Of course, you'll need to be logged as "admin" to do that.

server settings

XStudio.web now also has Downgrade & Update policies that you can configure:
You can now define what happens to your tests if a requirement is modified or downgraded to an inferior status. For example, you can send a push notification and post a message to all linked tests (so that their owners are alerted and can double-check if an action is necessary). You can even downgrade all those linked test's status too if you wish.

You'll never have any longer tests that lost their sync with their requirements!

downgrade update

The beta 2 also allows you to manage your custom fields at testcase level:

custom fields   custom fields

As always, it works with ANY browser
firefox   chrome   edge   ie   safari  

and on ANY device
pc mac tablet smartphone

And that's not it... but I'll let you update your server (or ask us to update your cloud instance) to discover the rest ;)


XStudio 6 beta 2 is now available.

The version 6 Release Candidate is scheduled for Mid-December.

Please check our roadmap for more details.


Do you know you can easily import any kind of data (even links!) in XStudio from Excel?

You can find in our documentation section a nice tutorial about Importing data in XStudio.

Gavaldo Consulting / XQual

Cidex 436 Chemin des Tourres

06330 Roquefort-les-pins