

Newsletter March, 2023


XStudio 10sp4


A few words from our CEO

"While the work on XStudio 11 as already started (be prepared for a completely new design!), XStudio 10sp4 has been delivered with its last adjustments.
Some of these latest changes are described below.

We're also proud to annouce a new partnership with our friends from Smartesting - read more below."

- Eric Gavaldo 


Multiple copy, move and delete

There are some times where you would like to move several items (even though they are located in different folders) in a single destination. You may also need to delete those... or even copy them to a unique destination folder.

You can just do that in the latest version of XStudio by:
  • using the new multiple-selection feature
  • right-click and choose the option you want
Of course the multi-selection mechanism must be smart-enough to only make you able to select item of the same type.

To select multiple items, you can press the standard <CTRL> or <SHFT> key while you're selecting the items in the tree.

The system will only select items having the same type as the first selected item (even if you're using <SHFTT> through 1 or several branches of the tree).

multiple move  

Automatic schema update

If you update XStudio to a newer major version, you may need to update the database schema. Hopefully, this can be done automatically by just logging with XStudio java/JNLP version. In that case, the system always check the database version and if necessary run all the intermediate schema update scripts.

You do not even have to do that now as when you restart tomcat after the update the webservice will do the job automatically and transparently for you.

New caching system for better performances

XStudio is one of the fastest tree-based test management client on the market... maybe the fastest !

Since we introduced the multi-connectors feature (allowing to configure several simultaneous connectors to third-party systems), the trees can be even bigger with data coming from several remote sources that may not be as fast as XStudio.

So, let's say you are connected to 4 requirements sources (the XStudio integrated requirements, user-stories coming from JIRA and Gitlab and bugs coming from Redmine).
The time to build the complete tree will mostly depends from the time to fetch data from JIRA, Gitlab and Redmine.

With that latest change, the server will returns fresh data from each of these sources only if the data actually changed.

If nothing changed, the server will returns immediately the version in cache.

Even better: since this cache is implemented server-side, it is also shared among all users! So, if a user retrieves a tree that needs to be refreshed, the next requests from other users for that tree will benefit from the new cached version.

The more you are using XStudio, the less chances you have to wait any second for a tree.
First feedback from customers are great! Do not hesitate to update to try it! XStudio has never been that fast!

Reusable tree filters + applicable to third-party connectors

The capability to create tree filter we brought in the version 10 was a huge improvement as users can now apply some filters to customize what they really need to see.

Filters have been improved again so that you can now also filter external data (such as JIRA user stories or Gitlab incidents).

You can now also search for criteria by name.

filters on connectors  

We also allow creating named filters that you will be able to save and open/re-use as needed.

named filters  

Small detail: the filtering is fast as lightning!

A simple but terrific step forward in usability.

Drag'n drop

In our effort to improve again and again usability and user experience, we felt it was important to allow users to move multiple item just using a simple drag'n drop.

named filters  

Of course this also takes avantage of the multiple-selection mecanism discussed above.

That's now possible.

A new partnership: XStudio + YEST by Smartesting

Over the past few years, thought leaders, market analysts, vendors... of our market have established test automation as the new frontier of our industry. In view with the cost involved, many QA organizations that launched into this gold rush are now looking for way to optimize their test automation efforts; and set their priority in the development of the best tests, those that really cover business risks well.

We are happy to announce our partnership with Smartesting and the interfacing of XStudio with their tool YEST.

YEST is a visual test design automation solution that leverages visual representations to identify the best tests.

These graphical workflows are shared and editable in Jira and facilitate the collaboration of the entire team on the testing challenges with a focus on what must be tested. The discussion of team members with complementary viewpoints ensures the identification of the test scenarios that really count:

named filters  
YEST is also the tester’s IDE that provides powerful accelerators and refactoring services to speed up the production and update of these best tests (current users experience ~20% productivity gains in average on the entire test process).

YEST provides a collaborative framework for test automation compatible with many tools of the market. This easy-to-use framework implements a keyword-driven test automation approach that enables functional testers to significantly contribute to the development of automated tests; thus, optimizing the involvement of the precious test automation engineers/developers.

Practically, you would use YEST to develop your (best) tests and then publish them into XStudio. YEST's "publisher for XStudio" handles the traceability with the requirements or User Stories in XStudio and manages the tests life cycle (correction, deletion) as if you were working directly in XStudio.

If you wish to learn more about YEST, you can contact Smartesting.

...and as always, all those wonderful features work on ANY browser
firefox   chrome   edge   ie   safari  

and on ANY device
pc mac tablet smartphone


XStudio 9 will have soon a stable release and some service packs delivered with new low-risk features and bug-fixes.

Please check our roadmap for more details.

XStudio 10 is also planned to be released by the end of the year - stay in touch!

Gavaldo Consulting / XQual

436 Chemin des Tourres

06330 Roquefort-les-pins

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